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What behaviors slow down the aging of the brain?
Updated 04/16/2020 at 8:52 a.m. Posted on 04/14/2020 at 8:36 PM
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Many studies show that the brain has the ability to reorganize itself over the course of life. Thus, individual experience acts on the maturation of the visual cortex in a young person and changes its organization in an adult. This ability of the brain to adapt is called plasticity, that is, its ability to change in response to environmental stimulation. Thanks to brain plasticity, learning a new language is possible throughout life, but scientific data show that the ease of learning and expressing this new language is all the lower when learning happens late in life. This testifies to a cerebral aging which is a decrease in the intellectual capacities of an individual. However, we know that the number of nerve cells decreases by about 10% over the course of life. This means that the capacity for brain change decreases over the course of life. According to current research, regular physical activity, regular and important intellectual activities and the consumption of certain foods can act on brain aging. How do these behaviors influence brain aging?
1. Sports activity and brain aging
The effects of participating in physical activity have been studied (1) on two different groups of individuals over several years: those who engaged in physical activity less than three times per week and those who engaged in physical activity more than three times a week. per week.
The intellectual performance of individuals who exercised less than three times a week began to decline from age 72, while that of individuals who exercised more than three times a week stabilized until age 82. In this study, it was also found that the decline in intellectual performance is more abrupt in individuals who engaged in physical activity less than three times a week. We understand that cerebral aging is less important for individuals who practice regular physical activity (more than three times a week).
2. Intellectual activity and brain aging
The effects of practicing intellectual activity have been studied (2) on two different groups of individuals for several years: those who engaged in regular and significant intellectual activity and those who had a low level of intellectual activity.
It was found that the annual decrease in the overall score of intellectual performance of individuals who had a low level of intellectual activity was twice as large as those who engaged in regular and significant intellectual activity. We understand that brain aging that takes place throughout life can be reduced through regular and significant intellectual activity.
3. Diet and brain aging
Researchers (3) followed 3,777 elderly people, divided into four groups, to study the influence of different parameters on brain aging. At the start of the study, in 1988, the individuals were between 65 and 70 years old. We analyzed their eating habits and regularly performed neurological tests. Thus, the evolution of intellectual performance over several years depending on the consumption of flavonoids was followed. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds present in wine, tea, fruits, vegetables ... They are mainly known for their antioxidant action, thus participating in the fight against free radicals, molecules involved in many degenerative processes that accelerate the aging of tissues. The first group of people consumed less than 10.4 mg of flavonoids per day, the second group consumed between 10.4 and 13.6 mg / day, the third group consumed between 13.6 and 17.7 mg / day and the fourth group between 17.7 and 36.9 mg / d.
It was found that, for 10 years, the success score in intellectual performance tests (in arbitrary units) for the first group varied from 28.25 to 26.2; for the second group, it varies from 28.3 to 26.8; for the third, it varies from 28.5 to 27.1 and for the fourth, it varies from 28.6 to 27.4 (3). These results show that the higher the consumption of flavonoids, the higher the success score in intellectual performance tests. In other words, even if intellectual performance decreases in all individuals as a function of age, this decrease is less important for individuals who consume flavonoids.
Another study (4) was performed on 1,000 participants aged 18 to 88 in which researchers analyzed their brain neuroimaging data. The stability of the neural network was chosen as a biomarker of brain aging. Next, the researchers analyzed the impact of glucose and ketones on the brains of 42 participants under the age of 50. Initially, for a week, the participants received a diet low in carbohydrates. Second, the researchers observed participants who were given a dose of glucose one day and a dose of ketones another day.
Researchers have found that functional communication between regions of the brain becomes destabilized with age, usually in your late forties. They also discovered that fuel sources play a role in modulating this biomarker of brain aging. Glucose has the effect of decreasing the stability of networks while ketones increase it by providing more energy to neurons.
These results show that brain aging can be reduced with moderate consumption of foods high in glucose and more consumption of foods high in ketones.
The following foods have a high glycemic index (they are high in glucose) (4): sugar, bread, beer, fresh pasta, French fries, honey, carrots, corn flakes, corn, white rice, turnips, watermelon, pumpkin, ...
The following foods are allowed in significant amounts in a diet high in ketones (6): low-carbohydrate vegetables (spinach, lettuce, kale, etc.), fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, vegetable oils, vinegar, lemon juice, olives, avocado, butter, hard cheese (100 g per day), coconut or even oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts ...), meat, …
In conclusion, even if the capacity for cerebral reshuffling decreases with age, numerous studies carried out on a large number of individuals have shown that certain behaviors can slow down this process. Brain aging is less important in individuals who practice regular physical activity (more than three times a week); it can be reduced thanks to regular and important intellectual activity. It can also be reduced by consuming flavonoids (polyphenolic compounds found in wine, tea, fruits, vegetables). Moderate consumption of foods rich in glucose (sugar, bread, beer, fresh pasta, etc.) and significant consumption of foods rich in ketones (vegetables low in carbohydrates (spinach, lettuce, kale, etc.) .), fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, etc.) slow down brain aging.
Reference Notes
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(1) Jubault BM & al. (2012), SVT Terminale S specific, Éditions Nathan
(2) Jubault BM & al. (2012), SVT Terminale S specific, Éditions Nathan
(3) Jubault BM & al. (2012), SVT Terminale S specific, Éditions Nathan
(4) Pouyat J. (2020, March 6, updated 03/10/020). DPJ: What diet slows down the aging of the brain?
(5) Ramos LE (2020, January 21). DPJ: 20 foods with a high glycemic index.
(6) Thibert C. (2019, February 14, updated 02/15/2019 at 2:06 PM). Can the ketogenic diet really help you lose weight?
(6) Zubiria L. (2018, June) DPJ: Ketogenic diet.
Duco A & al., (2011), SVT 1ère S, Éditions Belin
Jubault BM & al. (2012), SVT Terminale S specific, Éditions Nathan
Lizeaux C and Baude D & al. (2011), SVT 1st S, Editions Bordas
Pouyat J. (2020, March 6, updated 03/10/020). DPJ: What diet slows down the aging of the brain?
Ramos LE (2020, January 21). DPJ: 20 foods with a high glycemic index.
Thibert C. (2019, February 14, updated 02/15/2019 at 2:06 PM). Can the ketogenic diet really help you lose weight?
Zubiria L. (2018, June) DPJ: Ketogenic diet.
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