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Microorganisms (colloquially called microbes): microscopic living things, which include bacteria.

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Micrometer : (μm): 1 μm = 0.001 mm = 0.000 001 m, i.e. one millionth of a meter.

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Bacteria : unicellular microorganism having a chromosome in the cytoplasm, does not have a nucleus.

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Bacterial colony : (bacterial strain) population of bacteria resulting from the multiplication of a starting bacterium.

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Virus : acellular structure invisible under an optical microscope, living in cells, often pathogenic.

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Mucus : viscous secretion produced by the glands of the mucous membranes.

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Mucosa : tissue covering the body cavities in contact with the outside (nose, mouth, bronchi, genital tract, etc.).

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Sterile : which does not contain microorganisms.

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Pathogen : which causes disease.

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STD or sexually transmitted disease: infectious disease that is mainly caught during sexual intercourse.

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Parasite : organism that lives at the expense of another (called host) and causes damage to it.

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Host cell: cell infected with a virus.

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Toxin : substance produced by a bacterium, making it pathogenic.

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